Composted animal manure has been used as a soil amendment for years. When done well, its benefits include plant disease suppression, pathogen destruction, manure volume reduction, and improved soil health....
Surprising comments rolled into our office following our coverage of a northern Wisconsin county’s plan to require milk haulers to purchase permits to haul milk during the spring thaw. Perhaps we...
Changing economics and shrinking margins on dairy’s home front have been a strong driver in herd demographics throughout the United States. When Hoard’s Dairyman partnered with the American...
The stickers our milk haulers use to label their sample bottles were getting wet just sitting in our milk house. I used a recycled sour cream container and slit a hole in the side so that the paper ca
More and more I get questions about the proper chop length for silages and what is a desirable particle distribution for a total mixed ration (TMR) when using the Penn State Particle Separator
Take a look at long forage particles in your feed. They may be slowing your cows down at the feedbunk.It is time to update our recommendations for optimal ration particle size
We created a holder for the stickers used by the milk hauler to label bulk tank samples. We took a 2-inch pipe, cut it 6-inches long, and cut out a little opening for the stickers to be pulled out. We
As we evaluate fiber in dairy cow rations, one major question that arises is: “What is the interaction between fiber digestibility and particle size, and how does it affect the cow?”
Whether you are farming 250 acres or cropping 1,000-plus acres, production costs ranged by a mere 10 cents per bushel for those crop farms throughout the Heartland